Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is me... GETTING REAL

Here begins the newest, most amazing musing from The Loudest Fan. Bow appropriately:

That's it. I'm selling out.

Yes, I am going to try monetizing this mother. I am starving. Deal with it. With that, I now have an incentive to keep this thing running, SO I WILL KEEP THIS BIOTCH RUNNING. At least, I think I will. Who knows? Anywho, I will certainly be more proactive in promoting, splitting whichever infinitives I feel like splitting along the way. So make room for the new folks, my two or three current followers.

In addition to pledging to make this pile more worthwhile and more frequently-updated, I'll give you a juicy update to compensate for all my whoring:

I am making a podcast. It won't happen until this poor punk has the means to do so, but it will happen. More on that later, when that time comes closer. I will say it has little to do with this space, though (not the same persona, etc), so there's that.

Goodbye for now, and hello newbie(s).


  1. Hey, man. Best of luck! We all gotta make a buck or two in this econ.

  2. i agree with hindu you gotta do what ya gotta do eh

  3. A friend and I want to make a podcast, how are; or what tools are you using to do it?

  4. I haven't done so yet, and I'll be soliciting the help of my audio engineering expert of a producer to figure out exactly that

  5. Looking forward to your podcast! Great blog by the way, will follow :)

  6. Good luck, Mr! I've been reading a few posts and you certainly put in the effort!

  7. Good luck man! Keep up the good work and hard work will pay off!

  8. good luck
    money from hard work is the best money :)

  9. Good Luck! gotta do what ya gotta do :)

  10. Good luck with the podcast, always considered doing one myself...

  11. good luck and have fun at work

  12. Keep it going, and can't wait for that pod cast

  13. Good luck! Cant wait to see more.

  14. This text is so BIG. My eyes are being bombarded.

  15. Haha, I'm glad someone appreciates the design choices. It's all part of the bravado that is THE LOUDEST FAN

  16. Reading this is like being punched repeatedly in the face.

  17. I wish you the best of luck my friend.

  18. Sell it on the corner. You'll make more :D

  19. I'm looking forward to your new broadcast :D

  20. Looking forward to the broadcast :)

  21. SELLOUT!

    Haha, kidding, I monetized too =)

  22. Hey man you gotta do what you gotta do. Best of luck to you!

  23. Good luck! Love the podcast idea. What's it going to be about? Is this something I could have easily found out by reading your blog or checking FB?

    Anyway, pod on.

  24. I've hinted at it on twitter, Nick, but that's about it. I'll tell you about it in person sometime, but I'm holding off on public info for a bit until certain things are hammered-out.

  25. c'mon selling out is not that baaaaad


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